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  Thesis   Thesis

Call Number327.172 S531C
Title Proper Creative dialogue and world peace a study of daisaku ikeda s contribution
Author Sharma, Anshul ;  Sharma,Manohar Lal,Supervisor
PublicationChandigarh,  Department of Gandhian Studies,  2020.
Description228p.+  28cm.
Summary / Abstract (Note) The thesis discusses contribution of Daisaku Ikeda in the pursuit of World Peace by using creative dialogue. The purpose statement studies the effectiveness of creative dialogue in the quest of peace as used by Daisaku Ikeda. To transform the violent character of society to a culture of peace is a great challenge. Hence, the problem statement raises the need for knowledge of in-depth understanding of the concepts of peace and conflict, comprehension of dialogue along with its employability, and a critical study of the life events of Daisaku Ikeda to understand and evaluate his contribution through use of creative dialogue. Textual Analysis has been used wherein Primary and Secondary sources have been meticulously analysed. A part of the study was Empirical as three Cohort Groups have been interviewed through open ended structured questionnaires. Computer sources have been used. The units of analysis of the research work included life events of Daisaku Ikeda, the manner in which he developed his approach to dialogue and the current World Situation. The explanatory variables were identified as approach of Dr. Ikeda, creative dialogue as a tool in the pursuit of peace and its effectiveness. This thesis has studied dialogue in its ontological meaning, and hence, the researcher has developed a theoretical framework, identifying the fundamentals to be followed to employ dialogue in its best approach. In the analysis, it was reached out that dialogue is a tool as well as a process which fosters understanding, respect, tolerance and acceptance of others. Daisaku Ikeda has conversed with his interlocutors through his world travels to foster solidarity among world citizens. There is an emergence of theme of creative dialogue within the dialogues and writings of Daisaku Ikeda. The dialogues are creative and constructive in nature as these dialogues focus on finding potential and sustainable solutions to the problems faced by humanity. Dialogue is a slow process but an effective and sustainable tool in the quest of peace.
Classification Number327.172
Key WordsA Culture of Peace ;  Conflict ;  Creative Dialogue ;  Daisaku Ikeda ;  Human Revolution ;  World Peace

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LibraryAccession#Copy#Call#Current LocationStatusPolicyLocationCopy Specific Info.
A.C.Joshi Library6954091T 327.172 S531C c1Central LibraryOn ShelfThesisBlankc.1 2020